Friday, July 12


At IMM these days, we are short handed. The missionary volunteer system means the people on hand really ebbs and flows. We have been part of that and so we recognize it's changing all the time. It's just a fact of life overseas.

Due to this, we have been asked to handle more responsibilities than we have in the past. It's a honor to be trusted with a variety of work. We are being stretched beyond our skill level for sure.

I was talking this week with one of our co-workers Elena. She is retired from American Express and is in the middle of giving a two year term to IMM to handle the finances. (You cannot imagine how much we appreciate and need her right now!) We were saying how it's nice to look forward to the weekend but it's not so urgent as when you have all kinds of things planned for the weekend like we might in the US.

We talked about how the work here is satisfying and we don't dread going to work. It's really amazing to me. I'll admit there are lots of tasks I need to take care of that aren't my favorite activity, but I'm learning that the small bits and pieces of work are part of the whole that lets the Gospel get out in media form to millions of people. The small faithfulness of daily work adds up to big things.

I've been fortunate thru the years in my secular jobs that I had jobs that interested me, but serving as a missionary at IMM takes satisfaction to a new level. I often think there are people way more qualified to do this work, but for some reason I'm here now. This is my season here because I know this work it is much bigger than the handful of us at work at the moment.

IMM will grow again and short media pieces and bigger programs will continue to be created. People in far away and closed places will continue to get a glimpse of the love of God on the screens of the phones, computers, and televisions. How fortunate I am to get to part of that!