Monday, September 1

Worldview Devo

This is an email devotional I get and this one seemed to really fit for us. Hope you like it too.
The Korean man and his wife had studied in America. They were young, bright
and energetic. They could be climbing the ladder of professional advancement
and "the good life".

Instead, they had made the conscious choice to live and work in a developing
country in west-central Asia. Why would they do that?

The man explained to me that they chose that career so they could take the good
news of Christ's love to people who have not had much opportunity to hear it.

Over breakfast that morning we talked about the interrelated traps of busyness
and focus on wealth accumulation that choke spiritual growth. (Note: These
issues face followers of Jesus in both develop_ing_ and develop_ed_

I asked him how people -- especially in the west where I live -- could avoid
these temptations. His answer was simple, yet profound:

"Study the Bible to get a Christian world view. Learn what
God's purpose is in the world, and become a part of it."

Coffee/tea thought:
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who
bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation." Isaiah 52.7 NIV

Chinese Version: World View

(c) 2008 John and Win Stanford (

AONotes Admin: Pete Boysen (

